Today I went shopping with a friend. We had lots of fun and hit some good sales.
We delivered 3 Boo Buckets! One to a LSS they were so thankful!
They just gushed about it.
Another Boo Bucket to a new Ft Meade stamper that we will be
stamping with on Friday. We can't wait to have fun with a newbie.
The last was to my Fav biker babe!
It was a fun day!
I found this cute snowman.
I just love them. I can't wait to ink him up.
Lets see we went to JoAnn in Laurel. I found DCWV paper stacks on sale
I found two that I had to have. Some Dollar spot stuff for the boys.
Tuesday Morning's we found the best deal of the day! They had great
lunch box tins complete with everything needed to alter them for $3.99!
They also had Tag book kits for $3.99.
Great deals, a good friend, good food what more could a girl ask for?
Oh I know! To go into a store and not find out you have a stalker!
Yes my friend and I still have a little
stalker problem. She is still running around and bashing us to people who
don't know us or her for that matter. It's really sad. Keep her in your prayers.
I really feel we are dealing with a sick person.